Friday, June 4, 2010

ATTENTION(this is my personal view on this subject) THE AMAZING SHRINKING PLANET

Have you ever heard the theory that we are all separated by 6 degrees? If you haven't heard about it then I'll explain it to you as best as i can with a simple example facebook, yes that's right facebook if you ever want to be a creeper and look through someones friend list you'll notice that you have at least one or two friends in common still confused? Then an even better way to describe it is that you just met a person but you have a mutual friend and that mutual friend knows another one of your friends and that we're all connected by the people we interact with.

It's little scary if you think about it if everyone in the world was this connected and close to each other with only 6 billion people can you imagine how cramped and even smaller the world will be if we get to 7 billion? Not scary enough then how about 8 billion? Still not scared? then think about this if you've heard about the drinkable water deficiency then you know that currently we are running out of water that's drinkable. If you still aren't scared then you have nerves of steel.

If you have ever hunted before then you should at least be aware of the fragility of ecosystems and that if you over hunt an animal say deer for the sake of conversation then you should know how certain plants that are damaging begin to grow out of control or if you leave the deer population alone and there are no predators around then they'll over eat and die out and take the ecosystem with it like a slowly building kamikaze. Now lets set the scale a little bit bigger and include say the entire earth then replace deers with the human population(and I'm not telling you to hunt people you sick bastards so don't even try to misunderstand) now we're slowly eating away our resources and are desperate while we crave for getting more and more like addicts to destruction, we're digging deeper and deeper into the ground for more oil, we're mutating our food to last and spread out for the entire population, we're trying to make drinkable water by use of numerous chemicals that might cause more harm than good, WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF PLACES TO DISPOSE OF OUR OWN WASTE.

Now let that sink in for a little bit you should realize that we're succeeding ourselves to death with the constant need of trying to supply an overpopulated world we're poisoning ourselves.So with the all the deficiencies it'll only be a matter of time when a war that makes the last two world wars look like child's play happens and I'm not saying it's gonna happen during my lifetime, it could probably take three of my lifetimes before that war happens, but it's close and it doesn't matter what race or culture your from you can almost feel this tension and pressure as we run around like lab rats in a maze.

...Yea I went off the topic a bit but that does have something to do with overpopulation because if you've been in a really cramped place with a lot of people some you don't even like and you only have limited resources of the necessities then there's gonna be conflict and its gonna be very brutal. But back to wherever I was going with this there's also another cause to worry with the problem of overpopulation and that it seems to coincide the increased CO2 emissions(for those who don't know its carbon dioxide). And yea some may say it's a coincidence but here's a fact with the increase of people on earth there's an increased need for space and increased need to make space and now the only way for us to slow down CO2 emissions is to reduce the amount of animal products we use, reduce the amount of fuel we use, and reduce the amount of electricity we use but overpopulation gets in the way because we need to feed every mouth give energy to everyone and allow everyone to travel. So now here's the big question what are we gonna do about it? Well then random person who's mind I just read I have no clue at all whatsoever only thing that I can do is hope they find some way to go elsewhere and maybe not screw up this time we'll see what happens till then I'm gonna end here cause my head feels like its been put into a juicer oh and before i forget check this site out:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

the art lying

well the art of lying is a skill passed down from generations to generations to the most skilled and the best one's become business men and politicians and magicians.Humans and even animals lie or put the blame on something else or trick others. the most interesting thing about lying though is that its not the body language that gives away the truth but the way you word what you say. Confused? well the best way to describe it is that the best lie's are the ones that are more personalized and the worst are the ones where there seems to be an emotional distance though there are instances where the body does give away a lie for example a lie detector test, they cannot actually determine if a person is lying or not and it seems to only measure the body's responses to a series of questions and the more stressed you become the more likely you are to fail a lie detector test.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


1.The Black Keys are god nuff said

2.Passion Pit are for those acid trips that make you just want to dance and stuff so yeah....

3.mgmt is for those incerdibly ridonkulous times when your dancing around for no random reason and not cause your on drugs

4.cage the elephant another band another story thats not important for you people

5.panic at the disco...i got nothing i just like em

6.the roots are for when a brothers feeling soulful

7.daft punk techno mania son

8.framing hanley they got me hooked after there lollipop cover and havent regretted it since

9.lostprophets are my favourite imports from the uk

10.and finally the rock gods with the cool hair are coheed and cambria and if your curious to what there name means ill give you a hint...awesome!!

11. Tv on the Radio are cool because they just no more questions